How can I find the best freelancer for my project?
Malt is the largest marketplace for European freelancers and gives you access to a community of more than 550,000 freelancers from all areas of the services industry: data, tech, marketing, support, design.
Malt Strategy is a vetted and closed community within Malt made up of management consultants and change managers. All talents go through an application process to ensure their level of expertise and experience matches the criteria to join this community.
Management consultants must demonstrate at least 2 years of experience working in a well-known consulting firm. Change managers must have at least 10 years of work experience, preferably holding senior management roles.
Malt Strategy experts are not visible in search results and can only be reached via our team once a project is submitted on Malt.
Find a freelancer
On Malt, there are 2 ways to search and find freelancers to support you in your project:
Carry out a search using our search engine
Post a project so that our matching algorithm can select the most relevant freelancers for your project. (Malt Plus article)
With Malt Strategy, if you are looking for an expert management consultant or a change manager, you must submit a project on Malt and fill in all the required information so that our team can find the ideal consultant to take on the project.

The search engine
You can find a freelancer by going to our homepage and typing a keyword and a location into the search bar.
All available freelancer profiles will be displayed and you will be able to refine your search. You can for example choose to display only profiles that your team members recommend, Super Malters, etc., or even filter by expertise or level of experience.
You can then browse the available profiles and contact freelancers from their profile page by clicking on the "Propose a project" button.

Select up to 6 freelancers
You can select up to 6 freelancers to contact them and present your project to them.
Once your selection has been created, you can add up to 6 freelance profiles to it:
Click the “Select more freelancers” button. You are then redirected back to the search results to allow you to find other profiles that match your needs.
Add freelancers to your selection by clicking the “Add to my selection” button from their profiles.
When you select a freelancer, you have two options:
Contact the freelancer directly. In this case, you are redirected to the project proposal page, where you write your project proposal before sending it to the freelancer.
Create a selection of freelancers. You can add up to 6 profiles that match your requirements.
You have a 50% higher chance of getting a quote for your project if you send your proposal to 3 freelancers instead of just 1.
You can of course remove freelancers from your selection by going to their profile (by clicking on the freelancer’s thumbnail in the Selection module) and clicking “Remove from my selection”, or by clicking the small red cross at the top right of the thumbnail of each freelancer in your selection. This cross appears when you hover your mouse over the thumbnail.
How many selections can I have at once?
You can only have one selection at a time. If you’ve inadvertently created several selections (for example, you log in and create a first selection, then you return to Malt when you’re not logged in and create a second one), only the last one you create will be kept.
How long is the selection kept?
Once created, your selection has a limited duration:
If you are logged in to your Malt account, your selection will be kept for 24 hours ⌛ from its date and time of creation.
If you do not have a Malt account or you’re not logged in, your selection can only be kept for the duration of your visit to the site (or 24 hours maximum). Your visit ends if you leave the site by closing your browser or if you remain inactive on the site for too long (4 hours).

Track application progress
After contacting freelancers through the search and sharing your project proposal with them, you can track the status of applications by clicking the "Process applications" option in the navigation menu.
Here, you can see whether a freelancer has seen your proposal and whether they are interested in the project, as well as review, approve, or reject quotes.