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Reviews written by your customers

The opinions

Reviews are left by customers with whom you have carried out an assignment on Malt.

At the end of each mission, he can leave you a rating in the form of stars (out of 5) and also a comment relating to this mission. The customer has 30 days to leave you a review. After this time, it will no longer be possible to rate the freelancer.

In the event of a canceled mission, the client will not be able to leave you a notice at the end of the mission.

This average rating will be visible on your profile, also during searches in the search engine, and in the customer conversation.

These notices allow you to increase your visibility in the search engine.

In addition, to become a Super Malter, your grade must be greater than or equal to 4.5 out of 5.

Reviews can be modified by customers within 30 days after the end of mission validation, but the customer cannot delete a review.

The recommendations

Recommendations left by your former clients, or by other freelancers

It is the freelancer who requests these recommendations, by sending a request from their profile.

These recommendations are not the result of a mission carried out and paid for via Malt.

They are taken into account for ranking in the search engine, but weigh less than customer reviews.

To request a recommendation, simply enter the email of the desired person(s), then personalize your request by typing the message you wish to send and click "send".

The person(s) contacted will receive an email with a redirect link to the site and your profile.
A form in which we will ask him for a minimum of information, will allow him to recommend you. Once the recommendation is made, it is visible on your profile.

When you request a recommendation, your client/colleague will receive 3 notifications (one immediately, a reminder at 4 days, and finally a final reminder after 15 days).

The link that is sent to your customer can only be used once , so you cannot share this link with other people to invite them to recommend you.

Your client / colleague / freelancer will need to create an account on Malt to leave a recommendation. We ask this in order to verify that the recommendations displayed on the platform are genuine.

A recommendation cannot be modified, but the customer can delete it by returning to the desired recommendation.

To do this, click on My recommendations and delete the unwanted recommendation by clicking on the "delete" button to the right of the recommendation.

Remember to renew your request with former customers because your reputation is what allows you to put yourself forward on Malt.

Recommended Skills

These are skills that have been recommended by other freelancers. Seeing their skills recommended is an advantage:

  • Your expertise is valued by the recognition of one or more of your peers

  • It is reassuring for visitors and potential customers as to your level on the recommended skills

  • It's a way to set yourself apart!

How to recommend the skills of a freelancer?

To recommend a freelancer's skill, simply click on the “+” icon that appears in the Skills block , when you visit a freelancer's profile page while yourself being logged in as a freelancer on Malt.

How do I remove a comment/recommendation from my profile?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to delete a comment or a recommendation left by one of your customers.

Despite this, you can still hide these comments and recommendations from appearing on your profile.

  • For recommendations, you just need to click on the small cross next to the unwanted recommendation as explained in this article .

  • For comments, you also have a button right next to it.

There are, however, exceptional cases where we may remove the review left by a customer.

What are these exceptional cases?

At Malt we have identified the only cases that we believe deserve to remove a review from a freelance profile:

  • The case of insulting remarks , inappropriate remarks , etc.

  • A notice left as part of a blackmail note