The business referral programme offers freelancers and consultants a simple way to earn a passive income and make clients happy by referring project opportunities at Malt. If the client works with a Malt freelancer for the project they have referred, they’ll earn 5% of the invoiced project value (TV).
How does it work ?
As a freelancer, one of my client contacts me for a project.
I can’t do it because [I’m unavailable, Project not in my matching my skills…]
I share the opportunity with Malt
Malt finds a freelancer to do the project.
I receive 5% of the invoiced amount from the freelancer doing the referred project to this client (within 12 months after the acceptance of the first quote)

What are the eligibility conditions?
To be eligible, the project must meet the following criteria: • It must have a minimum budget of 3,000 euros.
• It must be new to Malt, meaning it has not been previously submitted on the platform or shared with the Malt team
• The client must have or create a client profile on Malt.
• As for you, in order to get paid, you need to have a profile on Malt and have completed your legal documentation.
Does it work with all companies? Even the one you already have as client?
The program works with all companies, including those already registered on Malt. However, the project must not have already been submitted on Malt.
To be eligible, the project must have a minimum budget of €3,000 and the client needs to create a client profile on Malt.
Can I co-opt a freelancer and a project?
Yes, when referring to a project, you can share the name of a freelancer who would be interested in the project, directly in the form.
How can I share an opportunity?
From your dashboard
In the side menu
You can follow the progress of each opportunity you submit to the platform in your Malt space. Simply go to the "Dashboard" section and you'll be able to track payments. We'll also keep you proactively informed.

How the business referral program works
Follow the progress of your opportunities!
You can track the progress of every eligible opportunity you submit on the platform in your Malt space. Simply go to the "Dashboard" section and you will be able to follow-up on payments as well. You can track this opportunity as soon as Malt validated the eligibility of the project. We will also proactively keep you informed.
For a one-off project: payment will be made once the client pays for the project.
For a long-term project: payment will be made after the monthly payment by the client.
There is no maximum amount for the bonus; however, it is effective for a duration of 12 months
If the client and the freelancer extend the assignment or start a new project together within 12 months after the first quote's validation, you will continue to receive your reward.
Can I refer a freelancer with the business referral program, without opportunity ?
No, the program does not include the referral of freelancers.