How do I leave an external recommendation on a freelancer's profile?
When a freelancer creates a profile on Malt, we ask them to fill in as many details as possible in order to attract the attention of future clients.
Recommendations are an excellent way for freelancers to reassure project leaders. When a freelancer requests an external recommendation, you receive an email request from the freelancer. You just need to click the link to start the process.
You can complete the various fields:
Your company name
Your job title
The comment you want to leave on the freelancer’s profile.
We will then ask you for some information in order to approve this recommendation: your full name and email address to create a customer account. This data allows us to guarantee the authenticity of the external recommendations left on freelancer profiles and will not be used for commercial purposes.

How to leave a review at the end of a project?
Freelancers’ reputations are important, and with Malt they can showcase their expertise and build their reputation online. Thanks to the customers who have previously placed their trust in them and left them a review, they can develop their business and capitalize on their reputation.
Reviews left after a project boost a freelancer’s ranking in the Malt search engine, and they are essential for progressing in the Super Malter program.
Once you mark the project as complete, you have 30 days to write a review about the freelancer's performance.
You can update the review you leave up to one month after the end of the project, in accordance with our T&Cs.