How to exchange with your client?
Malt tries to maintain a human relationship between freelance profiles and companies. As far as possible, it is important to talk about your skills and the project with the client, to demonstrate your professionalism and motivation.
Therefore, you can meet with them, talk on Skype or have a telephone meeting with clients who offer you projects.
However, and for greater security, by always carrying out all your conversations on the platform , you will keep a history of all your messages related to the project in one place.
You can respond directly to your customer by replying to the notification email from Malt. This will send a message to your client from the platform!
In your Malt messaging with the client, you'll also be able to find reviews left by freelance talents who have already completed Malt projects with that client.
If the client or project proposal seems fraudulent , you can report the client directly from the messaging system using the "report client" button located at the top left of the chat window.
It is important to us that you can work safely on the platform. We also moderate commercial proposals before sending them to you.

Can I reject a project?
Of course, you don't have to say "yes" to every project that is offered to you.
If the project doesn't fit your skills, if your schedule is too busy, or if you're simply not interested in the project, you can indicate this in messaging and decline the proposal. We are aware that freelance profiles can reject a project for many different and valid reasons.
The image of work that we want to convey through the Malt platform is the freedom to choose the projects that may interest you.
A client has sent me a message but I have not received it, is it possible?
There may be a delay between the time a customer sends a message and the time you can receive it in your Malt messenger.
This is because we manually moderate the first messages sent on the platform by a user to validate that it is not an abusive message, for example.