Expense Management
Expense management can be time-consuming, requiring you to verify amounts, tax rules, and budget adherence. Here at Malt, we simplify expense validation and payment, ensuring legally compliant reimbursements.
Introducing Project-Based Expenses (Advanced & Enterprise):
Say goodbye to scattered freelancer expenses! Now (for Advanced and Enterprise accounts with the feature enabled), all freelancer expenses are conveniently managed by project. You'll find them for review directly on your project pages.
Need This Feature?
If project-based expenses aren't available on your account yet, contact your Sales Manager to discuss your needs.

Where to find the expenses to approve?
Your freelancers can submit all project-related expenses for your approval. These expenses will be conveniently listed together in the batch you review.
💡For your convenience, you'll receive a bi-weekly email notification summarizing your pending approvals. This email will list each project with its total expense amount for a quick overview.
Wondering where to find these project expenses for review?
It's simple! On your project page, a task card will appear whenever there are expenses awaiting your approval. Clicking on this task card directly takes you to the relevant expense report for review and action.

How to approve expenses?
Simplify the Approval Process:
Clicking "Review expense report" from your project's task card opens a batch of project-related expenses for your approval. This page provides a clear overview, including the amount, submission date, and receipt for each expense.
Approve with Confidence:
Conveniently approve all project expenses at once, provided they appear accurate.
Review and Confirm:
The same way you approve your freelancer’s activity reports,if everything looks good, proceed to "Next" to review the billing information and any associated purchase order. Confirming the report generates a single invoice with all approved expenses and their receipts attached. This allows for a streamlined payment process – just one payment for all approved project expenses.