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Choose the legal form: Umbrella company

You no longer need to transmit or update the legal documents related to the structure that carries you in your freelance space.

Each umbrella company will have access to its own Malt account in order to manage the registration of its own legal documents and the associated bank details for all of its consultants.

How does it works ?

It is up to the structure that supports you to ensure that the documents remain up to date over time. They will be required to submit proof of registration that is less than three months old each year.

Your freelance account will be affiliated with the account of your umbrella company that carries you in order to be automatically in good standing with your client.

In your personal space the change has already been made, make sure that the following information is correct:

  • Registration address

  • Registration number

  • Intra-community VAT number (If Europe)

Select Umbrella company legal type

Regarding the structure, we will then send them an email with the following steps to follow:

The documents that your umbrella company must send to us to be visible in the drop-down menu
  • Registration of less than 3 month

  • Articles of association

  • Shareholder declaration?

    A new regulation has been imposed on registered companies, requiring them to identify all of the company's shareholders (or beneficiaries). Please note that the information provided here will never appear on your Malt profile.

    > Fill out the shareholder declaration

How does your umbrella company confirm your affiliation?

We'll send them an email with an option to verify if your account is affiliated with the umbrella company or not.

If my umbrella company does not appear in the list?

You can invite your Umbrella company from your dashboard  

To invite them just enter their email and click on "send invite". They will automatically receive the invite with the steps to follow to create their umbrella company account on Malt.