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1. Reputation & Community Team

The freelancer profiles on Malt are public. They are the showcase of the freelancers and they have no interest in distorting their experiences or skills, since their clients' opinions can also be found there. A too big discrepancy will harm their reputation.

You should also know that Malt's community team is dedicated to the verification and moderation of new profiles - our Community team.

2. Legal proofs

Our payment partner Mangopay is in charge of the verification of all the legal documents of the freelancers on Malt. 

As long as their legal information is not complete and verified, Malt will not pay the amount of the service to the freelancer's account. 

While validation is pending, the funds will be kept without time limit at an escrow account and will be available at any time on the freelancer's wallet.

How does the legal status of the freelancer impact my search on Malt?

Our algorithm takes into account all available information about a profile and will propose you in priority profiles with opinions left by Malt customers at the end of completed missions. 

It takes into account both public notices, visible on Malt, and private ones, transmitted to our team.